Suggested Readings
They Are Us: Lutherans & Immigration (2009) - Stephen Bouman, Ralston Deffenbaugh
Christians at the Border: Immigration, the Church, and the Bible (2008) -M. Daniel Carroll R.
Where the Ox Does Not Plow (2008) - Dr. Manuel H. Peña
Enrique’s Journey: The Story of a Boy’s Dangerous Odyssey to Reunite with His Mother (2007) – Sonia Nazario
Border of Death, Valley of Life: An Immigrant Journey of Heart and Spirit (2003) – Daniel G. Groody
We Drink From our Own Wells: The Spiritual Journey of a People (2003) – Gustavo Gutierrez
Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World (2001) – Eduardo Galeano
Beyond Guilt: Christian Response to Suffering (2000) – George S. Johnson
The Post-NAFTA Political Economy: Mexico and the Western Hemisphere (1998) – Carol Wise
Dismantling Racism: The Continuing Challenge to White America (1991) – Joseph Barndt
The Second Wave: Hispanic Ministry and the Evangelization of Cultures (1989) – Allan Figueroa Deck, S.J.
Of Love and Shadows (1988) – Isabel Allende
Coyotes: A Journey Across Borders with America’s Illegal Migrants (1987) – Ted Conover
Suggested Movies and Documentaries
One Border, One Body: Immigration and the Eucharist (2008)
The Global Banquet: Politics of Food (2007)
The Invisible Chapel (2007)
The Visitor (2007)
Bordertown (2006)
Fast Food Nation (2006)
The Line in the Sand: Stories from the U.S./Mexico Border (2006)
Dying to Live: A Migrant’s Journey (2005)
A Day Without a Mexican (2004)
Real Women Have Curves (2002)
Traffic (2000)
Lone Star (1996)
Romero (1989)
El Norte (1983)
Suggested Media and News Resources
El Paso Times (Local newspaper.)
El Diario (Click “Translate this page” through a search engine.)
La Jornada (The Journal)
Upside Down World (Alternative media focused on current developments in the Americas.)
Independent Media Center (Alternative news source.)
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services
The Catholic Campaign for Immigration Reform
Braceros / Braceros Program - (n.)"Braceros" comes from the Spanish word for "arm" - "el brazo." Started in 1942 in response to labor shortages brought on by WWII, the Braceros Program provided a legal means for unskilled laborers to come into the U.S. and work for a determined period of time. The Braceros program ended in 1964 as a failed policy. It was considered failed policy on two fronts; first the widespread abuse of the program by unscrupulous employers. Second, contractual provision were never fully honored on the part of the Mexican and U.S. governments.
Colonia- (n.)"Colonia" is the Spanish word for "colony." These neighborhoods spring up outside of normal city zoning. As such the neighborhood receives no official services such as water or electricity. These colonies appear on both the U.S. and Mexico side of the border. Colonias can be small outposts, or quite large as in the case of Anapra in Ciudad Juarez.
Coyote - (n.) A person who smuggles people across the border. Most often the coyote is paid a sum of money for his/her services. Coyotes may work alone, or as part of a network.
Fair Trade - (n.) A movement that seeks to ensure that trade is equitable to all trading partners. In local production markets this means that a living wage is paid to employees. Co-operative forms of financing and business management are encouraged under "Fair Trade" models of business. The Fair Trade movement also aims to educate consumers as to the benefits of purchasing "Fair Trade" products. There are many organizations that certify good produced as Fair Trade. However, each organization may have a different qualifying criteria for items labeled as "Fair Trade".
Free Trade - (n.) Economic model purposing that unhindered market systems are the best means to provide access to goods and services. Government intervention and regulation in the market place reduce the efficiency of the model.
Maquila / Maquilador - (n.) a factory on the Mexican side of the border. Maquilas were established on the border as early as the 1960s. However, with NAFTA the number of maquilas dramatically increased. The term maquilas may carry a negative connotation with some as many maquilas have health and safety standards that are lower than what we in the U.S. are accustomed to.
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - (n.)Free Trade Agreement between Canada, the U.S. and Mexico. Put into gradual implementation in 1994, the agreement reduces tariffs and taxes on the goods imported and exported across these North American Borders. Canada and Mexico are the U.S. biggest trading partners.
Sanctuary Movement - (n.) In response to the influx of Central Americans fleeing violence in their home countries during the 1980's, this faith based movement offered shelter to immigrants from Central America regardless of their legal status. As the number of Central American immigrants has diminished (wars ended) the sanctuary movement has changed.
Smuggling - (v.) agreement with a third party to assist in the illegal crossing of an international border (as opposed to trafficking).
Subsidy - (n.) "a grant by a government to a private person or company to assist an enterprise deemed important to the public." (source: Miriam-Webster Dictionary).
Trafficking / Human Trafficking - (v.) a crime or violation against a person. Trafficking contains an element of coercion, leading to subsequent exploitation of an individual.
Browse this page to find various resources for your group, to learn about life at the border before your trip.